
Research In Progress

  1. Smoothed Pairwise Difference Estimators: Distribution Theory and Bootstrap Inference, with Michael Jansson and Kenichi Nagasawa.
  2. Cluster Robust Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates, with Aibo Gong, Michael Jansson and Whitney Newey.
    Supplemental | Replication
  3. Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Regression Discontinuity Designs, with Sebastian Calonico, Max Farrell, Filippo Palomba and Rocio Titiunik.
    Supplemental | Replication | Software
  4. Estimation and Inference in Boundary Discontinuity Designs, with Rocio Titiunik and Rae Yu.
    Supplemental | Replication | Software | Slides
  5. Robust Inference for the Direct Average Treatment Effect with Treatment Assignment Interference, with Yihan He and Rae Yu.
    Supplemental | Replication
  6. Sharp Anti-Concentration Inequalities for Extremum Statistics via Copulas, with Ricardo Masini and William Underwood.
  7. Tuning Adam(W): Default β2 May be Too Large, with Boris Shigida.
  8. How Memory in Optimization Algorithms Implicitly Modifies the Loss, with Boris Shigida.
  9. Continuity of the Distribution Function of the argmax of a Gaussian Process, with Gregory Cox, Michael Jansson and Kenichi Nagasawa.
  10. Uniform Estimation and Inference for Nonparametric Partitioning-Based M-Estimators, with Yingjie Feng and Boris Shigida.
  11. Nonlinear Binscatter Methods, with Richard Crump, Max Farrell and Yingjie Feng.
    Supplemental | Replication | Software | Slides
  12. Beta-Sorted Portfolios, with Richard Crump and Weining Wang.
    Supplemental | Replication
  13. Inference with Mondrian Random Forests, with Jason Klusowski and William Underwood.
    Annals of Statistics, reject and resubmit.
    Replication | Julia package
  14. Attention Overload, with Paul Cheung, Xinwei Ma and Yusufcan Masatlioglu.
    Supplemental | Replication | CRAN | Manual
  15. On the Pointwise Behavior of Recursive Partitioning and Its Implications for Heterogeneous Causal Effect Estimation, with Jason Klusowski and Peter Tian.
    Annals of Statistics, reject and resubmit.
  16. Yurinskii's Coupling for Martingales, with Ricardo Masini and William Underwood.
    Annals of Statistics, revise and resubmit.
  17. Randomization Inference for Before-and-After Studies with Multiple Units: An Application to a Criminal Procedure Reform in Uruguay, with Carlos Diaz and Rocio Titiunik.
  18. Leveraging Covariates in Regression Discontinuity Designs, with Filippo Palomba.
    Invited article on RD designs.
  19. mvte: Estimation and Inference for Multi-valued Treatment Effects, with Sebastian Calonico and David Drukker.