Research In Progress
- Smoothed Pairwise Difference Estimators: Distribution Theory and Bootstrap Inference, with Michael Jansson and Kenichi Nagasawa.
Supplemental - Cluster Robust Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates, with Aibo Gong, Michael Jansson and Whitney Newey.
Supplemental | Replication - Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Regression Discontinuity Designs, with Sebastian Calonico, Max Farrell, Filippo Palomba and Rocio Titiunik.
Supplemental | Replication | Software - Estimation and Inference in Boundary Discontinuity Designs, with Rocio Titiunik and Rae Yu.
Supplemental | Replication | Software | Slides - Robust Inference for the Direct Average Treatment Effect with Treatment Assignment Interference, with Yihan He and Rae Yu.
Supplemental | Replication - Sharp Anti-Concentration Inequalities for Extremum Statistics via Copulas, with Ricardo Masini and William Underwood.
- Tuning Adam(W): Default β2 May be Too Large, with Boris Shigida.
Replication - How Memory in Optimization Algorithms Implicitly Modifies the Loss, with Boris Shigida.
Replication - Continuity of the Distribution Function of the argmax of a Gaussian Process, with Gregory Cox, Michael Jansson and Kenichi Nagasawa.
- Uniform Estimation and Inference for Nonparametric Partitioning-Based M-Estimators, with Yingjie Feng and Boris Shigida.
Supplemental - Nonlinear Binscatter Methods, with Richard Crump, Max Farrell and Yingjie Feng.
Supplemental | Replication | Software | Slides - Beta-Sorted Portfolios, with Richard Crump and Weining Wang.
Supplemental | Replication - Inference with Mondrian Random Forests, with Jason Klusowski and William Underwood.
Annals of Statistics, reject and resubmit.
Replication | Julia package - Attention Overload, with Paul Cheung, Xinwei Ma and Yusufcan Masatlioglu.
Supplemental | Replication | CRAN | Manual - On the Pointwise Behavior of Recursive Partitioning and Its Implications for Heterogeneous Causal Effect Estimation, with Jason Klusowski and Peter Tian.
Annals of Statistics, reject and resubmit.
Slides - Yurinskii's Coupling for Martingales, with Ricardo Masini and William Underwood.
Annals of Statistics, revise and resubmit.
Supplemental - Randomization Inference for Before-and-After Studies with Multiple Units: An Application to a Criminal Procedure Reform in Uruguay, with Carlos Diaz and Rocio Titiunik.
Replication - Leveraging Covariates in Regression Discontinuity Designs, with Filippo Palomba.
Invited article on RD designs. - mvte: Estimation and Inference for Multi-valued Treatment Effects, with Sebastian Calonico and David Drukker.